Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why our Clients love Something Blue

OK, so I know most of you visit the blog to see the stories of our Brides and Grooms. And believe me there are so many coming - so please come back soon. I am on dead lines to get our anxious Brides their pics. But I wanted to throw in a fun tid-bit about us. Our clients love Something Blue for many reasons. One....well, that we will do just about anything to get a shot.

This weekend we shot Richard and Evelyn's wedding and I came across this shot that my hubby unsuspectingly was taking of me. Where else, but on the ground.

Results......Whimsy and fun

So, all is fair in Love and War......Here is one of Jon that I unsuspectingly caught of him. LOL

Result....Dramatic and beautiful.

Remember, we will do just about anything short of jumping off a cliff to get the shot. And if you gave us a parachute, we would probably jump off the cliff. Its all in fun and to get the shot!!!

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